BTC printed its lowest 59164 at 07:00/07/14/24
BTC printed its highest 61412.5 at 04:59/07/15 /24
Journal time: July 14th-July 15th. 7am-7am UTC+7.
The gap from the lowest to the highest is +3.8%. The current session's BTC lowest level is +2.42% compared to yesterday's lowest price.
BTC Prediction for 07/15-07/16
Short target: 63250/ SL: 63883/ TP: 62300
Long target: 59154/ 2nd: 56195/ TP: 60338 (2%)
After calculating all the risks, the projection is valid from 17:00 UTC+7, 07/15 and expires at 07:00 a.m. 07/16/24 UTC+7.
Bias: Bullish
I would select the long target (59154) if I had to choose one of the options above.
BTC Prediction for 07/14-07/15 (Final)# No trade
As the bias implicated, taking short was a bad move. 59860 was crossed since 11:19, and for most of the session, Bitcoin was traded above the "short target." At 04:20 on July 15th, the 1% stop loss line was breached, and at the same minute, Bitcoin closed the long trading I opened on July 4th and 5th at a profit. (Long target was untouched)
BTC Prediction for 07/04-07/05 (Final)#11
In this session, Bitcoin crossed the "take profit target." 60482 was traded for the first time in the last 7 days on July 15th, 2024, at 04:20AM, officially closing the long future trade at a 7.69% profit.
The trade lasted for
10 days, 12 hours, and 40 minutes or,
10.5278 days or,
252.667 hours or,
15,160 minutes or,
909,600 seconds
#11. Taking profit: 7.69%
#10. Unrealized profit: +6.57
#9. Unrealized profit: +4.16
#8. Unrealized profit: +6.4%
#7. Unrealized profit: +5.85%
#6. Unrealized profit: +3.79%
#5. Drawdown: -3.41%/ Up: +3.63%
#3. Drawdown: -0.28%/ Unrealized profit: +3.95%
Stat: Long Opened (Avg: 56160/Tp: 60482/Or +7.69%):
57601 (15:40/July 4th)
54719 (11:17/July 5th)
Bitcoin crossed the long target (57601) at 15:40 July 4th (UTC+7) and, as anticipated, continued to open the second long position (54719) at 11:17 July 5th. I set these 2 trades with TP: 60482.