BTC printed its lowest 62204 at 06:05/05/08/24
BTC printed its highest 64392 at 15:37/05/07/24.
Journal time: May 7th-8th. 7am-7am UTC+7.
The gap between the Lowest and the Highest is 3.5%
BTC Prediction for 05/08-05/09
Short target: 64392
Long target: 62203.5
Prediction active at 09:50am 05/08 and expired at 07:00am 05/09/24 UTC+7.
Bias: Bullish. However, since I have 2 unfinished auctions to attend, my next Long position is at 56537.5
BTC Prediction for 05/07-05/08 (Update)#1
#1.Drawdown: -0.72%
Yesterday, BTC crossed my Long target (62655.5) at 06:02,05/08. Because I only have one unfinished auction left, I decided to make a new trade to profit from waiting for the closing of my unfinished auction. I give this trade TP target: 64199 or an unrealized profit at +2.46%
BTC Prediction for 04/25-26/24 (Update)#13
At 17:10, 04/25/24, BTC crossed my long target price of 63575. My TP is 66.000. Today is the 13th trading session; I am waiting for BTC to close my TP.